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Friday, July 15, 2011

Lulled into a false sense of security

So, yeah, they fed us again today. That's what this agency does.  Every Friday, you get something. Today was bagels, but we knew that, because last week was breakfast burritoes. Next week will be pizza. There is a certain comfort in knowing that.

It was not always so. For years, this agency fed us pizza on Fridays. It was shitty pizza, but it was free, which improves the quality by a couple orders of magnitude. Eventually, they changed pizza sources to one that is pretty good, but then they changed to a different rotation: sometimes pizza, sometimes bagels, sometimes breakfast burritoes, with no predictability. This was not a popular move, and not because people didn't like the food.

Let's face it, this job has enough instability built in without extending that to the free food.

Of course, this leads to an interesting way of measuring how long a project is expected to last. This morning, as the bagels came in, one of the temps said: So, do you think we'll be here to get pizza?

Man, if that isn't the $64,000 question. Dude was wondering if we'd be working for one more week. Welcome to our world.

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