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Monday, June 18, 2012

What decade is this?

There's a guy on the project, I have no idea what his name is -- come on, you know I don't do names -- who was wearing a sweater today draped around his shoulders, with the sleeves tied together under his neck. First of all, it's fucking June in DC -- it was 80 degrees today, despite being overcast and rainy all day. In other words, hot and humid. Not a lot of call for sweaters. Second, we're working in a couple file rooms -- hell, they didn't even bother to take the shelves out before they stuck us in here -- where the circulation of air conditioning clearly was not a priority. This raises the obvious question, WHO THE FUCK EVEN BRINGS A FUCKING SWEATER TO A HOT FUCKING ROOM ON A HOT FUCKING DAY? Sorry for shouting. Anyway, without knowing this bonehead's name, I am certain it is something like Devlon or some shit like that. Probably has Roman numerals after his name. He looks like a fucking Devlon. Or maybe a Heathcliff. On the other hand, I don't see this guy as the gardener of Wuthering Heights, or whatever the fuck Heathcliff was. Maybe that was Lady Chatterly's Lover. It's all the same to me. And I'm not EVEN going to get into the questions he emails to the associate. It's too depressing.

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