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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The fuck's a durecho?

So apparently DC got hit Friday night by a kind of storm called a durecho, or a dorito, or something like that. Whatevs. I live far enough from DC that I got a really loud and colorful thunderstorm Friday night -- also really long -- but nothing to lead me to believe that God was watching, eating popcorn.

Saturday morning, I got an email from my dad asking if we were OK and if we had come through the storm all right. I replied, sure, no problem, not really sure why he had heard about a thunderstorm here, since he lives in Pensacola, Florida.

Then, Sunday morning, I had to go work for a few hours down in DC, and I realized that my dad was more in touch with DC weather than I was. Canal Road and the Clara Barton Parkway were both messes.  I think Canal Road was supposed to be closed, because I was not able to take it on my way out of DC later that afternoon. As it was, I was doing a slalom between and around trees Sunday morning, keeping one eye on the downed trees and the other on the possibility of oncoming traffic. Combined with the places out of power, including numerous intersections, it was an interesting ride in.

I think it kept a lot of people home today. since traffic was pretty light. All in all, I'll take that trade. A little widespread death and destruction (literally) in exchange for me having an easy commute? I know how I'm voting.

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