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Monday, August 27, 2012

And they call me Raised by Wolves . . .

Apparently the vaunted reverence for social norms that marks Temp Town has been violated recently at the agency where I’m working. In locations throughout the review facility, memos recently appeared addressing a recent rash of thefts of a particularly lowlife nature:

There have been several complaints from team members that others have been helping themselves to food that is not their own.  Please be considerate of your fellow employees, and take care the the food you are eating is the food that you brought and does not belong to anyone else.
Can we get serious for a minute here? No one, ever, not once, ever ate someone else’s food and did not know they were doing so. They don’t care. To even suggest they don’t know is not being charitable, it’s being insulting to the people whose food is being stolen. Insult is added to injury later when the memo asks temps to “continue to conduct themselves in a professional manner.” Professional what? Food thieves? Gimme a break. Call them thieves and be done with it. In fairness, the memo states that future violators will be fired.

Unfortunately, this is not uncommon behavior in Temp Town, where social standards can be such that our leper status with the rest of the legal community is understandable. At another agency where the same problem was rampant, a much more direct (and shorter) notice was posted: Don’t Eat Other People’s Food.

I can’t believe I work in an industry where signs like that are necessary.

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