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Thursday, December 20, 2012

End-of-the-world dilemma

So here's the problem: the world is ending tomorrow, or so say some people. Apparently this is based on the fact that some Mayan calendar stops with tomorrow's date. Personally, I think Chehotacoxyl to Calendar Carver got tired of banging on stone tablets and said, "Huh, couple thousand years ought to be enough."

But what if that isn't it? What if there's something to it? Therein lies the dilemma: when tomorrow will the world end? Seriously, is it happening at 12:01 am, or is it happening at 11:59 pm? The beginning of the day or the end? This matters. If the end is coming at 12:01 am, I have to start drinking the minute I get home. If it isn't happening until 11:59 pm, I could wait until I wake up tomorrow to start drinking. I guess I could cover all my bases and just start when I get home and then, if I wake up, start all over again. It would be a shame to die with more than a beer or two left in the fridge.

Either way, I'm filing my time sheet for this week before I leave.

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