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Friday, March 1, 2013

Whatever you do, don't take gun advice from Joe Biden

Let's face it, the vice president is an idiot in general. When it comes to giving advice about gun ownership and self-protection, though, listening to Joe Biden will get you into legal hot water pretty quick. He seems to constantly advocate foolhardy actions with firearms, such as this gem:
If you want to protect yourself, get a double-barrel shotgun. Have the shells for a 12-gauge shotgun, and I promise you as I told my wife, we live in an area that’s wooded and somewhat secluded. I said, Jill if there’s ever problem, just walk out on the balcony here, walk out, put that double-barrel shotgun and fire two blasts outside the house. I promise you whoever’s coming in is not going. You don’t need an AR-15. It’s harder to aim; it’s harder to use. And in fact, you don’t need 30 rounds to protect yourself. Buy a shotgun. Buy a shotgun.
I link to the Washington Post's fact-checker, which looks into whether the NRA's claim that following Biden's advice will get you arrested is true. The WaPo makes no ruling despite noting the relevant Delaware code sections cited by the NRA that explicitly outlaw the kind of behavior Biden urges. WaPo's rationale? They doubt Delaware authorities would press such a case. Funny they should mention that. Reality is not the Post's strong suit.

But hey, maybe Joe knows that firing a shotgun in the air will get you in trouble. So he advocates shooting through the door to scare off intruders. As the story notes, however, doing exactly that just got a Virginia Beach man arrested.

But hey, ladies, a shotgun is so much easier to use than an AR-15, yes? Maybe not so much.

And Joe is what passes as a gun-control advocate who is knowledgeable about firearms. Not sure how he got that label.

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