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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Trust is the basis of any good relationship. Which is why temps and management don't have a good relationship.

Displaying the faith and trust that agency management has in temps, some guy from the agency is going around today putting plastic lock boxes over all of the thermostats. To my knowledge, no one has ever messed with the one in our room, but, apparently, someone did in some room, so all of the thermostats go under lock and key. After all, that was why the agency guy said he was putting up lock boxes: somebody was messing with thermostats without permission. In typical temp fashion, temps are going around saying, "This is all you guys' fault," blaming people from other projects. No doubt, the people doing this include some of the temps who messed with the thermostats in the first place. That won't stop them from blaming others and convincing themselves that their actions were, of course, justified. And they wonder why management doesn't trust us.

On the other hand, it is entirely possible that management decided to lock up all the thermostats simply because they don't trust us, and that no one messed with any thermostats. After all, remember Rule No. 1: They're lying. No wonder this profession is dysfunctional.

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