Try it!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Comfort food porn

No Packers' game today, so we are going with slightly generic food porn as opposed to game-oriented food porn.  Naturally, I root for the teams that are playing teams in the Packers' division. Not easy when you have Bears-Lions. Did what I could. So today we did comfort food: pot roast in the crock pot. It's really easy. You start with a roast-type cut of meat (in this case, a top sirloin), an onion, some potatoes, carrots and a can of french onion soup:

Quarter them there potatoes.  I don't know why people call it that  -- if you cut a potato the way people are talking about when they talk about quartering a potato, you wind up with eight pieces. We won't talk about that, though.

Chop up an onion. You'll feel better.

I used so-called baby carrots (which are just carrot pieces that are run through a machine to smooth them over). You can do what you want. Anyway, toss the carrots, onions, and potatoes into a crock pot. Put that big slab of meat on top. Yes, you can put celery in this recipe, and sometimes I do. Not today, though.

Pour a can of French onion soup over that, cover and put on low heat.

Now go away. On low, this is going to take at least eight hours to cook, and the longer, the better. The meat gets more and more tender the longer you cook it. After at least eight hours -- ten is better -- you will have a steaming heap of goodness that looks like this:

Put it in a bowl, put it on a plate, it don't matter. This is good.

Eat it, people.

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