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Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Always a little hard to accept that Democrats might tell the truth, but then they go and do this

Just when you figure Democrats don't even know how to tell the truth, you get something like this: 
CNN's John King reports that Democrats are privately calling President Obama "detached," "flat footed," and "incompetent."

So, finally, Democrats and the media -- but I repeat myself -- are noticing that the administration is incompetent, with Obama at the head of the list of administration types who know fuck-all about governing.. Wow. They called Bush stupid almost from day one. Took nearly six years to  suggest that somebody clearly less able might, in fact, be less able? Doesn't matter what you thought of Bush -- I thought he spent like a drunken sailor and was no conservative -- the media was never slow to criticize him. And, with two terms as a governor, Bush knew how to be an executive. You might not like the way he governed, but he knew how to be an executive. Barry, no. He had no experience doing so at any level, and now it shows. Why the delay in genuinely criticizing Obama? Hmmm. Can't figure it out.

Unless, of course, it is the soft tyranny of lowered expectations -- the worst kind of racism. The truth is, conservatives have no problem accepting and supporting a competent black person -- Mia Love, Alan West, Ben Carson, Condoleeza Rice -- regardless of gender, and have no problem rejecting a flawed black candidate -- Herman Cain (personal issues), Colin Powell (actually a Democrat) -- because they are flawed, not because they are black. Democrats are unable to accept that a black candidate might be flawed, and so are unable to reject out of hand a fatally flawed black candidate -- Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton -- no matter how badly that candidate might be flawed. As for Obama, they simply pretended he had no flaws whatsoever (with meduia cooperation) until it became clear that fuckchops had no idea how to actually govern. Now, they are starting to talk about it, apparrently, because it is threatening their own individual ability to remain  in office. Not exactly a principalled position, but exactly what I expect from Democrats.

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