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Wednesday, July 9, 2014

"Unexpected" border crisis? Hardly.

For one thing, anyone listening to all of Barry's talk about "Dreamers are our future" and shit like that, anyone who watched him rewrite immigration law (without that niggling constitutional requirement that laws be passed by Congress)  to create what amounts to amnesty for any illegal immigrant under 30, and anyone who watched thousands of illegal immigrants convicted of felonies released because of the sequester (yup, couldn't use any other funds, got to let the crooks go, sorry) knew that Open-Borders Barry was practically begging for a flood of juveniles and others to illegally flood across the borders.

Apparently, Immigration and Customs Enforcement knew it too. Months ago. Follow the link. ICE was advertising to hire people to help handle "up to 65,000" juvenile illegal immigrants expected to come to the U.S.  And they were advertising in January. Unexpected my ass. Totally predictable. And still the jackass won't even visit the border to get a first-hand look at the mess he created. Too busy fundraising elsewhere in Texas. Didn't Bush get skewered for not visiting New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina? Oh, yeah, but he's a Republican. That's different.

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