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Wednesday, September 17, 2014

I think we are towing the swordfish behind the boat

The firm lawyers came in this evening and let us know that the project is basically over but that no one is getting cut yet and they don't know when we will get cut, except that they do know that the regulatory filing will be next week so we'll be cut before that happens. Got all that? Some of us have work, but most people don't. The firm might make cuts among those who are idle (so I guess I'm safe for a few days, as I am not among the idle), but they don't know who or how many will be cut. Or when. Basically, they didn't know a lot. But they did make it clear we'll all be fired in the next 10 days. They just don't like to use the word "fired."

So, looking over the transom of the boat, that is one sick-looking swordfish.

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