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Sunday, November 30, 2014

This is why Emperor Barry I has a teleprompter

Mostly because, when he doesn't use it he says something really fucking stupid, meaning the truth. Thanks to The Weekly Standard, we know that Emperor Barry I knows that he is legislating without the benefit of the legislature:

In case you can't hear, here is the transcription from The Weekly Standard:
"All right, OK. OK. I understand," Obama told the protesters after letting them go on for some time. "Listen. Hold on, hold on, hold on. Young lady, young lady, don't just -- don't just start -- don't just start yelling, young ladies. Sir, why don't you sit down, too?
"Listen, you know -- here. Can I just say this, all right? I've listened to you. I heard you. I heard you. I heard you. All right? Now I have been respectful, I let you holler. All right? So let me just -- nobody is removing you. I have heard you, but you have got to listen to me, too. All right? And I understand you may disagree, I understand you may disagree. But we have got to be able to talk honestly about these issues, all right?
"Now, you're absolutely right that there have been significant numbers of deportations. That's true. But what you are not paying attention to is the fact that I just took an action to change the law."
Oh, yeah. "I just took an action to change the law." He knows damn well what he's doing, and he doesn't give two shakes of a rat's ass if the Constitution allows it. Just in case Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, who is overseeing the efforts to listen in on Americans' phone calls and emails doesn't understand how I feel about this: Yo, Clapper, blow me. And Fuck Barry while you're at it.

I expect to be audited by the IRS at some point in the coming year.

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