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Thursday, December 4, 2014

Seriously, this is the Democrats' presumptive nominee?

I will grant you, this is old news, from almost a month ago, but I have been sitting on it, overwhelmed by the sheer stupidity of the statements made and not entirely sure what to say. Now, with the memory of others' criticisms of this economic illiteracy safely out of my memory, there is a possibility of me producing some commentary that doesn't simply parrot the words of others. At least I hope so.

First things first, the stupid statement by the smartest woman in the world:

She is, of course, wrong about the minimum wage. Study after study shows that minimum wage jobs decrease in number every time the minimum wage goes up. Period. The only studies that claim otherwise look at total jobs, which are always increasing in number unless the economy is contracting, which is not the normal state of affairs. But that isn't the stunner. Businesses and corporations don't create jobs? Wow. Who the fuck does, then? Who are all those non-government employees working for? And who is paying their salaries? It is difficult to believe that this woman is able to maintain basic life functions without mechanical support. There clearly is no brain function taking place here.

Even Hillary "The Smartest Woman in the World" Clinton apparently realized how stupid that statement was, so she later tried to walk it back. Even as reported by the left-sympathetic Buzzfeed, it was clear she still doesn't know what she's talking about:
“I short-handed this point the other day, so let me be absolutely clear about what I’ve been saying for a couple of decades.”
“Our economy grows when businesses and entrepreneurs create good-paying jobs here in America and workers and families are empowered to build from the bottom up and the middle out — not when we hand out tax breaks for corporations that outsource jobs or stash their profits overseas.”
How exactly is that a concept that she "short-handed" as "corporations and businesses don't create jobs"?

Our economy grows when job are created -- good jobs, bad jobs, all jobs that give jobs to people who didn't have them. Tax policies that discourage repatriating overseas profits don't change that. Such policies do, however, prevent corporations from bringing overseas profits back to the U.S. for reinvestment here, which would create even more jobs, thus proving The Smartest Woman in the World to be wrong on both the original and the "short-handed" argument. That bottom up, middle out horseshit is just that -- horseshit. It makes no economic sense and means nothing. If tax and regulatory policies keep businesses from creating jobs here, there is no "bottom up." Period. No poor person ever hired anyone. Get used to it, and adjust your policies accordingly, or don't, and watch the bottom get bigger, with no one to lift up those mired in the bottom.

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