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Monday, December 15, 2014

We have some very sad-faced game food porn

We time-shifted yesterday, recording the game so Marrying Into Wolves could see it, so game food bled into dinner. Dinner was brats and other stuff, and I didn't bother with pictures of that. The game food, which was excellent, was much better than the game, which was not. Sloppy play by the Packers offense led to defeat at the hands of the Bills, who have a legitimate defense but no offense to speak of. But we will not speak of this. Next week, the march to the playoffs resumes. In the meantime, yesterday we started with something new -- apple slices and caramel dip:

Yeah, I cheated and bought caramel dip. You think I'm going to try and make that shit? We also had onion straws with dip, which I did make:

Of course we had skins -- we always have skins:

We topped it off with dirty diapers. Man, I love those things:

Later we had tear-soaked brats and sides. Well, my brat was tear-soaked. The rest were just boiled in beer and then grilled.

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